Beaird Dermatology is your premier center for medical and cosmetic dermatology services. Located in Illinois and led by board-certified dermatologist, Dr. Leslie Beaird, the experts at Beaird Dermatology are proud to offer cutting-edge dermatologic treatments, including laser treatments, for men and women in Hoffman Estates, Barrington, Arlington, Elk Grove, Chicago, and the surrounding areas of Illinois.
What system do we have?
- Vanquish ME, Exilis Ultra 360 and Cellutone systems
These systems use radiofrequency energy to destroy fat molecules, forcing your body to flush them out. While you won’t have instant results, as your body pushes out your broken-down fat, you will start noticing the appearance of your skin changing.
- Areas we can treat abdomen, flanks, thighs, upper arms, chin, jawline, chest and back
Vaguvination: Women’s intimate health
- Ultra FEMME 360
This radiofrequency device takes a whole new approach to women’s health. It is a non-surgical alternative for internal and external treatment. This procedure is about 8 minutes total and targets women who have stress urinary incontinence, decreased vaginal laxity and decreased sexual gratification.
Beaird Dermatology provides men and women of Illinois with advanced cosmetic and medical dermatology services. Located in the Hoffman Estates, the medical professionals at Beaird Dermatology are proud to serve residents of Hoffman Estates, Barrington, Arlington and Elk Grove, and the neighboring communities of Chicago, Illinois. Contact us to schedule your consultation today.